News Archive
indefinite hiatus
posted by Tod Wills on February 20th, 2012
This project is on indefinite hiatus. I'm sorry that I've let it go for so long. I started this project several years ago, and my life has changed a lot, since then. Over the years, I've come back to it, off and on, but I don't think this is something I can pick up again in its current form.
I've met many awesome people while working on this project, gotten lots of great feedback and practice with comics and my art, and I am grateful for all of that.
I think, if I pick up this project again, it might take the form of a graphic novel with a tighter script, if I can come up with one that stays true to the story. I'm afraid I can't say when or if that will happen, but who knows that the future will bring!
Thank you for your patience and understanding. You can keep an eye on my current work on my blog,
Chapter 10, extra pages
posted by Tod Wills on May 8th, 2010
We were due for an extra page this week, but since the last page of Chapter 9 is a little, shall we say, barren of art, I'm going to have two pages next week. I thought about drawing something extra here, but opted on the side of a little suspense and just showing the telegrams to wrap this chapter up.
Make sure you check out page 339, which I also uploaded today - I wouldn't leave you guys without any art :)
So - tune in next Saturday for two page to kick start Chapter 10!
Extra Page!
posted by Tod Wills on March 28th, 2010
Two pages this week, thanks to tips!
Tips for Extra Page
posted by Tod Wills on February 20th, 2010
Tips for Dracula are at 10/20 this week for an extra page. Wnen tips reach , I'll drawn an extra page for that week's update.
Sponsor Pages
posted by Tod Wills on February 7th, 2010
I've updated my tip jar graphic on this page, and with it, a new tip incentive - instead of tallying up tips for a big day of pages every so often, now, for every that tallies up in the tip jar, I'll draw an extra page for that week's update!! If you're enjoying the comic and would like to see more of it, your tips let me spend more time on new pages! This also goes for Ekwara, which is on a separate tally.
Thanks for reading!
Huge Ekwara update
posted by Tod Wills on January 30th, 2010
I just finished up a big, seven page update for Ekwara, this week, which brings us to the end of Chapter One. If you've been waiting until there's more of the story up to start reading, now's a good place to start! Just click on 'Ekwara' on the link up at the top of this page!
Holiday Commission Sale
posted by Tod Wills on December 19th, 2009
I'm doing a holiday commission sale over on my journal, with discounted commission prices available through Monday, Dec. 21st. Check it out here -
Dracula Day!
posted by Tod Wills on November 8th, 2009
Today's slightly late (but it's still Saturday!) is 8 pages, for Dracula Day! Dracula Day happens when tips reach 100 dollars. Thank you very much to those who tipped and helped to support this comic!
These 8 pages bring us to the end of Chapter 8! Yay!
Halloween, Move, Dracula Day
posted by Tod Wills on October 31st, 2009
I am safe and sound in my new apartment in Washington! I don't have regular internet set up, quite yet, so bear with me as I get all my ducks in a row. I'd like to do Dracula Day tomorrow, but need to see what the plan is. It will be some time this week, though, and I'm sorry for my schedule being a little up in the air.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! I hope you have an excellent time! Thanks for reading my comic :)
posted by Tod Wills on October 25th, 2009
I'm going to be on Webcomics Beacon's podcast in a couple minutes! (3 PM EST on Sunday) - there will also be a recording available later